I've had quite a bit on my heart to share, this being one of them.
I really am so blessed, honestly beyond comprehension.
I can go on and on about what's going on in my life and where even amidst the storm I can see the beauty in it and what not, but I really just want to point out one of the biggest blessings I have received in my life. That blessing, being my mom.
First and foremost, I want to start by saying she means the world to me and I thank God every day for choosing her to be my mother. I am so incredibly blessed to have been given what I have experienced to be the closest flesh representation of unconditional love through her. My mom is an incredible woman. Many times, I have described her as the definition of strength and sacrifice. I am sorry to say if you're reading this, my mom is clearly better than yours! Never have I met another mother that has been so selfless, so sacrificial, so loving, so caring, so concerned, so forgiving, so dedicated as my mom has been to her two kids. She has done nothing but what has been best for me and my brother, always placing us first behind God in her life. She has poured nothing but unconditional love on me. See I was never the model citizen child; I wasn't easy, I wasn't always a delight, flat out I made my mom's life a living nightmare at times yet not once did she ever stop loving for me. I stand here risen in Christ today and firmly believe in part it is due to the years of prayers and endless tears cried for me by my mother. God answered her prayers and I stand redeemed. As the same with God's love, I don't deserve an ounce of my mom's love yet she adores me.
Aside from God obviously, she is responsible for me being the man I am today. She has been everything and more for me! I look at my mom and I pray to one day to marry a woman who loves her family as much as she has, who has love her husband as much as she has, who has cared and sacrificed for her kids as much as she has. I pray that I myself can be and do all those things just as she has. She has set me the example to follow, she has raised me to what I hope is a man that makes God and her proud.
To this I say thank You God and thank you Mami. Words will never be enough to describe how grateful I am to have you as my mother and as my best friend. I am a mama's boy and you best believe if you had my mom you would be too. Thank you for always loving me, for looking past my faults and mistakes, for always believing in me, for trusting me, for providing and giving me every opportunity that you never had so one I can be successful, thank you for bringing me into this world (though many times you've threatened to take me out of it lol), thank you for your prayers, tears, and sacrifices, thank you for being an example, thank you for guiding me, thank you for always being honest, thank you for raising me, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you Mami!
And since today was Mother's day, in honor of Mother's Day, this here goes out to my mamabear.
Proverbs 6:20-23: "My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother; bind them continually on your heart; tie them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline are the way of life."