The Truth

I owe You, Father. I really sincerely do. What You have been able to do for me and through me these last 2 months and 16 days is a simple testimony of how glorious and powerful You are. I love You and need you more everyday. I strive to grow closer to You. I strive to live for You. I strive to represent You. I strive to be everything You deserve. I fall so short of that. I will never amount in to the person You deserve to worship You, yet You tell me I'm enough. I thank You for that Father. I love You, no I adore You. I stand in awe with my heart ripped open dying for You to continue Your work inside. I pick my brain apart in dire need to fill it with the thoughts You want. I seek to see what You want with my life. I have no idea, but my faith is getting closer to being 100% in what You have planned for me. I ask that You help rid every thought of what I think I want, and replace it with what You want me to do. God, I feel Your presence in my life, and I don't know why You do it. I am not worthy of Your attention, I don't deserve to worship, serve, or have You but yet You think differently. I strive to love like You. I ask You break me, humble me, make me Your servant. That is all I ask, that You allow me to work in Your name. To do something with my life that brings glory to Your name. Something that gives me a channel to display You. Help me talk to You more. Help me read Your word more. Help me seek You more. Lord I tell You, this is the truth of my heart, soul, and mind right now. Make it the permanent truth of my life. Because You my Father, my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Friend, my Everything; You are the Truth.
This has been the at the heart of my thoughts the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure of a lot of things right now, but I am 100% sure of Him.
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