At the cross, with three words, he did one thing, to allow one thing, all because of another three words.
At the cross, He said it is done when He died for us so He could save us because He loves us. The cross is amazing; amazing in the sense, that something so gruesome and sad did something so loving and beautiful that we can now celebrate. For me, the thought of the cross breaks me to pieces inside. It allows me to see the love He displayed, which in consequence allows me to grow an even deeper love and appreciation for Him and what He did. I could go on and on about the cross, because as a Christian it is the central focus of my faith. It is the reason I can have a relationship with my Dad. If my life isn't cross-centered, if my life isn't laid down at the cross, then what am I doing and where is my faith at? Everything I enjoy, every thing is because of what was done for me and you at the cross. That's why everything about our lives needs to be cross-centered. It needs be to our central focus because with our lives focused on the cross it'll enable us to keep Him constantly at our attention. It is also vital to know He tore the veil. He made that bridge connection we needed to get to God our Father, so that we may have that direct line for a relationship. And we all know how much that relationship brings through Him. So that is why the cross is so crucial; it's why I enjoy my freedom and salvation. The cross is why I'm forgiven. The beauty of being forgiven, just shows His mercy, grace, and love for us. And not because we deserve any of it, simply because He love us. I'm forgiven because of His love shown at the cross.
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