Last week, the leader of my bible study (Roman's Road, check it out) asked me to lead the study. This was my third time leading a study, and I truly enjoy it. But this one was different, it had a special meaning behind it. I spoke about "professed" Christianity vs. real Christianity, based on my own life experience. I tied it in with Easter, and what we're celebrating. Then I wrapped with what it means to be a real Christian. Then I closed it off with a challenge. My challenge after we partook in communion, was that we don't let this celebration be just a Good Friday or Easter thing; that this be something we remember and celebrate every day of our lives.
It's a challenge. It's easy to get caught up in the emotion of this past weekend, but I ponder why can't we get caught up in the emotion of what He did, every single day. The same emotion that drives us that weekend, that has us remembering what He went through; why can't we have all the time, we should. That's my challenge to myself, that every day be a remembrance of what my Savior did for me. To never forget, what Jesus went through, and not just the cross; but every single ounce of agony and pain. From the night before in the garden, when He was sweating blood; all the way to the moment He said, "It is finished". That entire process that He went through, for us. The pain He suffered, for us. Everything was done for us and our sins. Whether we reject or accept Him, He loves us and knowingly died for us. Wow. How awesome is He, but unfortunately we take it for granted and choose to remember it only on this past weekend. So again, to those reading this; I challenge you. I challenge you to also never take it for granted, to constantly remember what He did for us. To allow that remembrance be the driving force behind our growing passion for Him. Allow it to be a recollection of the sacrifice He did, and that we should be a little more sacrificial with our lives for the kingdom of God. Honestly, what else do we got? If our lives aren't being lived for His kingdom, then what is the purpose? We're here to come to know Him, to grow in a relationship with Him, and spread the word of that purpose by all means. So let's get on it, and not just on Easter weekend. That's to those who know Him, but for those of you who don't have a relationship with Him; I pray you would come to know Him. I pray that you would cry out to Him, seek Him; because He will reveal Himself to you, I promise. I pray you do so with open eyes, open ears, and a open heart to truly give the God of the universe a chance to reveal Himself to you. I finally made that choice September 14, 2010, and my life hasn't been the same since. That all was just smacked in my face this weekend, so rejoice and rejoice every day!
with love,
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